Thursday, 5 January 2012

Audience Feedback

This is good, because the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire were in my target audience, by gender and age, therefore they will be able to give valid opinions. 

This is good, because Q was the magazine I got ideas from and 50% of the people who done the questionnaire read the magazine.

Only 1 person said that my magazine didn't look like a real magazine. this is good, because although 1 person said it didn't look like a real magazine, 9 people said it did look like a magazine.
The most popular answer, was that they would buy my magazine. This is good, because if people would want to buy it, it means it must look like a proper indie magazine.

Everyone said that if they seen my magazine someone (e.g. in the waiting room of a hospital) they would read it. So even though not everyone would buy it, they would still read it which would be good for advertisement. 
the most popular answer was tht it was aimed at 15-18 year old, which is good, because that's my target audience. No one said it would be good for 10-13 year olds, as it has musical content in their, that they wouldn't know about (e.g. Mick Jagger).
The majority of people said they liked the picture on the front cover, as the lighting on him looks really effective. However, 2 people said no, because they thouoght the mise-en-scene didn't look indie enough.

Only 1 person said that I didn't use the right images in my contents page, which is a good thing. However the reason they said this, was because they were mostly not very known bands. The other 9 people liked the fact that the bands weren't very well-known, as other magazines show non well-known bands.

7 people said that I used the right image for my double page spread, as it showed that she wasn't an agressive indie singer, like most boybands, but she was more soft, like Florence and the Machines. The 3 people who didn't like it, said it would've been better as a performance, or made her look more angry.

Everyone who done the questionnaire said they thought I followed the codes and conventions of other indie magazines. I knew this, because I shown them a copy of Q magazine and they said it had a slightly similar layout and language to Q.

90% of people who answered, thought the magazine had an indie magazine layout. 1 person said it didn't have the same layout, because it had blue on the front cover and he had never seen an indie magazine with blue text on the front cover.

Only 50% of people said that I have the right language for an indie magazine, because my language was more formal than most magazines. They said the Double Page Spread had the correct language, but the contents page didn't, because indie magazines don't go into too much detail on some of the articles, whereas I did.

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